# MOOC Pharo

For this second run (https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:inria+41010+session02/info), the Pharo Mooc got more than 2500 participants with around 500 active learners from 92 countries with 176 participants that finished it. And this Mooc is demanding but rewarding :)
We would like want to thanks our sponsors: Unit, Unisciel, and the LearningLab of Inria.
All the Mooc material is freely available at http://mooc.pharo.org
We would like to share some testimony. Here are what some of the participants are saying about the Mooc.
- I just completed the @pharoproject Mooc the best investment I have ever made of my time. MAQBOOL
- Hi! I finished the MOOC some weeks ago and I would like to congratulate everybody involved! After a decade+ of Python programming I think I found my new favorite language :). I'm making a small Teapot server for Slack command bots, I'm goona push it to Github (yay Iceberg), if anyone is interested. EduardoPadoan
- I finished the Pharo MOOC a few days ago. Thank you very much to Damien, Stephane, and Luc for their work on the material! I enjoyed it very much
- Hey, I've just finished the Mooc. It's awesome. I'm sending you the typos or minor issues I've noticed throughout the mooc. Additionally, there must be a bug in the scoring algorithm, since I got >100% even though I failed some quizs.
- Hey all - I've just finished the Mooc - thanks for an excellent course and a thouroughly interesting look at a new way to program :smile: Looking forward to starting to play with Pharo on some upcoming ideas I've had 👌3
- I already had previous Smalltalk experience, but yes, I'm extremely happy Chapter 7 has been extremely fulfilling
- A general comment I wanted to make is that the MOOC so far has been great. Impressed with the quality and content, and grateful that it is available and free. Many thanks! Aryeh
- Merci beaucoup! 👍1 🇫🇷1
- IMHO the videos were very well done. I would even say shockingly well done… for a bunch of programmers who are supposed to be clueless about design SeanDeNigris - 10/26/2017 - The more I learning about @pharoproject the more I appreciate it's beauty and simplicity, finally, object-oriented programming is done right MAQBOOL